To bring Fallout: Cascadia to life with its own unique style and feeling, we’ve had to create hundreds upon hundreds of custom models, textures, and more. This page will showcase some that have been created over the years.
Mass-produced in Quebec long before the Great War, and imported to the United States shortly after annexation. The 9mm pistol has become a staple of survival in the Pacific Wasteland.
9mm pistol Designed by Jake Davison.
10mm SMG Designed by Jake Davison.

The Wizard is one of the custom weapons that can be found around the Pacific Wasteland, it’s a post-war creation built from scrap and pinball machine pieces.
The Wizard by Alex Golden.

Once a tool used by carpenters, this nailgun has seen some heavy refurbishment to make it a viable survival tool in the post-apocalypse.
Model by Frerk Guentzler.
Before the bombs fell, Washington played host to scores of soldiers, either returning from Anchorage or taking up occupation duties in annexed Canada. After the Great War, all that remained was equipment, arms, and dead soldiers.
Military Off-Road Vehicle by Anders Gjendem.
Golfcart by Trevor Bixler
Heavy Artillery was dotted throughout King County as it was being transported before the Great War or placed at various key military locations to protect the American public of any surprise attacks, this proved futile when the nukes dropped in 2077.
Howitzer M1 and shells by Trevor Bixler
Sarge Soda's distinctive soda bottles mimic the shape of a bullet, emphasizing the soda's high-energy taste!
Disclaimer: Sarge Soda is not responsible for any injuries or fatalities sustained as a result of trying to use Sarge Soda bottles as a projectile weapon.
Sarge & Sarge Fusion by Trevor Bixler